首页 > 笨小孩学口语 > 笨小孩学口语(15):我没有一整天 I don't have all day!(上)

笨小孩学口语(15):我没有一整天 I don't have all day!(上)

Here is the schedule for Andy's Wednesday!
07:30 get up and have breakfast!
08:00 prepare lessons for the next day!
11:00 hook up to the Internet and answer the questions on BBS!
12:00 have lunch and take a nap or be online again!
14:00 have afternoon lessons!
16:20 write some Chinese and English articles!
18:30 be busy with the evening classes!
21:00 be back at home again! Now I am free! I would go online to answer questions and update my channel and answer letters and record the ABC program till to the midnight!

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笨小孩学口语(15):我没有一整天 I don't have all day!(上):等您坐沙发呢!

