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潘玮柏教你说地道英语口语 Lesson 19

Lesson 19. 纳莉水患淹玮柏

flooded cars 车子泡水

flood 淹水

drowned 淹死

no electricity water/blackout 停水停电

stopped breathing 断气

distressed 凄风苦雨

make it through the night 撑过一夜

slipper 拖鞋

shabbiness 衣衫不整

disconcerted 狼狈

running for your life 逃命

swept away 漂走

swamp 沼泽

costumes/wardrobe 戏服

disaster area 灾区

floating atop the water 浮在水上

disaster 灾难

soaked all over 全身湿透

rubber boat 橡皮艇

rescue boat 救生艇

life guard 救生员

lucky survivor 劫后余生

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