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And it's you know,it's about how do these teams say have tenth the payroll of other teams


Like the A's versus Yankees,how could they be competitive

比如运动家对和扬基队的区别 这些球队如何提高竞争力

And these guys started dismantling everything they know about baseball and questioning


And in the process they found places they could exploit


I'm gonna keep coming back to this


You must play baseball,you must,you must do something with baseball,you must throw very well or catch or hit a ball

你肯定打过棒球 你肯定跟它有点关系 投 接 打击 肯定有一样特别强

I have a small scar right here,it's the last time I met a baseball.18 stitches

我脸上有个小疤 是最后一次打棒球留下的 缝了18针呢

No,it wasn't that bad,but no I have.I have no harm,like how old were you when that happen.Late elementary

骗你的 没那么严重 没什么大不了 那时候你多大 小学高年级

Oh and I said,the movie is getting Oscar buzz and you are getting Oscar buzz

哦 对了 我说过 你和片子或奥斯卡的呼声很高

This performance is so,I said this to you back at stage

片中的表演 我跟你在后台也讨论过

I feel like it almost feels the way it shot like it's a documentary


because it feels so,the performance was so raw and real and honest and the movement of the camera.It feels like you are really watching it happen

因为它给人感觉是 表演粗糙又现实真挚 还有镜头的运动 让人感觉身临其境

yeah,they did a beautiful job.yeah,it's great,do you have a clip

是啊 他们做的很棒 很不错 你有最喜欢的片段吗

What clip is it,you know which one it is Brad.I do

是哪一段 你知道是哪一段吗 Brad 我知道

This is a clip with my daughter in the film played by Kerris who is worried that I'm gonna loss my job because things aren't going well.Alll right

有一段是和片中我的女儿在一起 Kerris扮演 她担心我会丢工作 因为情况不好 来看一下


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