首页 > 艾伦脱口秀 > 艾伦脱口秀371:成为众人的焦点


All right boy,first of all I have to say,what a brave brave human being you are

首先我必须得说 你是一个非常非常勇敢的人

Thank you.Because for so many reasons and then to be this lightening rod right now that is getting all this attention

谢谢 正因为有着那么多的理由 现在你成为了众人的焦点

But first of all,it's your first time on the show,so thanks for being here.thank you for having me,thank you

这是你第一次上我们的节目 谢谢你来参加我们节目 很感谢你让我来到这里 谢谢

And I knew you,I knew you in the past as Chastity,a lot of people knew you as Chasity

我知道你 在你是Chastity时候就知道你 也有许多人都知道你

And I know you have been asked this question before,but just in case for those people haven't heard this from you,right

我知道之前已经有人问你这个问题了 但有些人对之前的你并不了解 是的

When did you know that it was not the right body or you felt different


You know innately as a child,as far back as I have memory I Knew


But When I was kid there was nobody like me on TV


So I didn't know that anything was possible,I just felt like something was desperately wrong with me

我不知道原因是什么 只觉得肯定是我哪里出了大问题

and then as I got older,I knew what gay lesbian meant,So I thought that must be what I am

慢慢的我长大了 知道有同性恋这种群体时 我就想我肯定是那样的人了

and so I tried to fit in there for many many years


and probably at about thirty was when I started to realize this is still not,something is still really off

大概在30岁的时候 我意识到问题并没有完全解决

Have you met because you are involved with GLAAD,so you had obviously met transgendered people

因为你加入了同性恋反诋毁联盟 显然你会跟变性人接触

Did anything like the first time you met people,when you go oh,that is what it is.You know that's not really

所以你有没有第一次见到某人 就觉得 哦 我就应该是那样的 实际上并没有


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