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I didn't know how to deal with this feelings,part of like getting so worse

我不知道怎么调节自己的情绪 有些情绪已经相当糟糕

It's really difficult to begin and you could find all those new emotion

真的很难重新开始生活 而且你能感到那些新的情绪

You know,there's voice inside pouring about our heads,it's very stronger my head

总有个声音冲击到我们脑海里 我的又特别强烈

which is really critical and it's you know,you are not good enough

那评判的声音 比如你做的不够好之类

You know just very mean voice when you look in the mirror


and part of the aspect of,you know,recovering from drinking was being able to recognize that voice

从酗酒中慢慢恢复正常后 自己开始辨识出那个声音

Not taking it so personally,not taking it as truth

不把它主观化 不把它当做真实

and just seeing it as the thought voice of my head that isn't real,I don't have to listen to

仅仅把它当做想象中的声音 我脑海里的声音不是真的 我不用理会它

And that cause all kinds of voice that going on my head


What's happening here right now.What kind of voice happening right now.I'm really sorry the voice

现在是个什么情况 什么声音 我很抱歉的声音

I'm glad because I think a lot of people have those tapes that just repeat


and come from somewhere and they just get stuck,you say things that really are not true like you said about yourself

从某些地方出来 然后被停滞住 就像你刚才说的 那些声音不是真的

Whatever is,it's working for you,cause you seem happy and healthy and I'm happy for you

不管是什么 我都很高兴看到你现在快乐健康的状态

We're gonna take a break and we're gonna talk about dance and stuff after this

休息下 之后我们谈论关于舞蹈和其他一些话题


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