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Welcome back.Thank you.All right,So,Kinda thrilled to be here.

欢迎回来 谢谢 现在感到很兴奋吗

Just a little bit.So you are just back from Afghanistan,first of all

是有点兴奋 你们都刚从阿富汗回国 首先呢

I'm so happy to that all of you are so safe and welcome back,how do you feel

很高兴看到你们都安全地回来 欢迎回来 现在感觉如何

OMG,this is like the most amazing thing,I can't even believe I'm standing here right now

天哪 我感觉这是让我感到开心的事情 我都不敢相信我正站在这里

I saw and I was kinda we have to have them on the show for sure


When you are there any close calls for anybody


This is my 7th time.7th time.Yes,7th time in the middle east

这是我第七次 第七次啊 是啊 是我第七年在中东

and we didn't have close calls this time


But in 2009 when I was there we did get rocket fire on our base,about 500 yards from where we were sleeping and we were asleep

不过2009年我在那里时我们基地遭到发射的火箭 大概离我们500码的距离 我们都已经在睡觉

But there some procedure in the place for when It happens,that's kinda make us feel safer

但是当时我们有躲避的地方 让我们有安全感

Putting on our gear,go get in the banker and kinda wait,we always have 9 mil strapped to our legs.Me too,I got one too,just in case

我们会穿上防护衣 钻进坦克里 就在里面等着 我们也总是随身带着我们的9mil步枪 我也有一个 以防万一

I wanted to see you everybody when I saw all of you.This is amazing

我早就想看到你们 这感觉真的很棒


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