首页 > 艾伦脱口秀 > 艾伦脱口秀87:错得太离谱


Well that works.I love it.It's a great joke. - Yes.So we laugh.That's great.And then Harper will go my turn my turn.

这个挺棒啊 我喜欢 这很好笑 -是的 所以我们都笑了 这很棒 然后哈珀就会喊 \"该我了该我了\"

Knock knock. - Who's there?He will say um Peter.Peter who?

叩 叩 -是谁 他就会说 \"彼得\" 哪个彼得

Peter never bother me anyway. - Right. Right.

彼得再也不会烦扰我 -好吧 好吧

No. This kind of Knock.That's what I have with my niece.

这种\"叩叩\" 我跟我侄女也玩这个

I try to tell her the oranges one. That the.- Knock knock. - Who's there?

我试着教她橙子的那个 就是 叩叩 -是谁

Orange. - Orange who?Knock knock. - Who's there?Orange.- Orange who?Knock knock. - Who's there?Orange. - Orange who?

橙子-哪个橙子 叩叩 -是谁 橙子-哪个橙子 叩叩-是谁 橙子-哪个橙子

Orange glad I didn't say banana.I said it wrong.I said the whole thing wrong.

橙子很高兴我没说香蕉 我讲错了 我整个都讲错了

You said the whole thing wrong. - I said the whole thing wrong.

你整个错得太离谱了 -是的 错得太离谱

You're no better than Harper.I'm horrible.

你比哈珀可好不到哪儿去 我太糟糕了

I'm the worst at Knock-knock. - You are not.

史上最挫的\"叩叩\"笑话 -你不是的

Oh, my god.What happened to me?I don't know.

哦 天哪 我不知道 我到底怎么了

I think it's banana. Banana, banana.Yeah Banana and then orange glad.

我想应该是\"香蕉 香蕉 香蕉\" 是的 是\"香蕉 橙子很高兴\"

I know, orange glad. I know.Orange glad I didn't say.

我知道 \"橙子很高兴\" 我知道 橙子很高兴我没喊它

You and Harper will get along so well.


And that's why Eve doesn't know how to do Knock-knock jokes.Because I taught her that.

这就是为什么伊芙一直不会 玩\"叩叩\" 的玩笑 因为是我教的


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