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Well, you're gonna love those whirlpool washer and dryers.


I called them Ca'brio but they are Cabrio.

我说成了可普里奥 应该是卡布里奥

But you are gonna love them. And, Congratulations.

你们会爱上它们的 再次恭喜你们

And that's just a...We received countless tweets,emails and calls about our next guest.

这只是...我们收到了无数的推特 电子邮件 和电话 都是关于下一位嘉宾的

She is a fearless seventeen-year-old battling brain cancer.

她是一名坚强的十七岁少女 无畏地对抗脑瘤

I wanted to meet her. So Courtney Wagner.Come on down.

我想见见她 考特尼·瓦格纳 上台来吧

Hey, Courtney. Oh my God.This must be not real.Hi Courtney Hey How are you doing?I am doing very well. - Yeah.

嘿 考特尼 我的天哪 这不是真的 考特尼 你好 你好...你现在怎么样 非常好 -是吧

So- I am here on your show, so I am.


I know you thought you were just coming to the show.It must feel really really good.

我知道你一直很想上我的节目 一定感觉很棒吧

Because you have so many people campaigning.


We started seeing all these hash tags,and all these people writing signs and wanting you to be on the show.

有很多人在推特上\"话题\"你 大家都在写推 希望你上我的节目

That must make you feel good.


Yeah, I was um, I was a little surprising to see you like a thousand of people liked my mom's page that she created it.

是的 没错 能见到你我很激动 好像有一千人 赞了我妈妈做的主页

Then they are just,They are all just amazing trying to get me here, and they...

他们就是...他们太棒了 他们想尽办法让我来到这里

And they did it.They did it. We saw. - Yeah.I can't believe I am here.

他们做到了 他们做到了 我们都看见了 是啊 不敢相信我真的来了


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