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动感英语lesson 74


standard lens :   标准镜头 


剧中:Don't throw it all away.

throw it all away :  浪费机会

e.g. He was a great success until he threw it all away gambling.

      You could do so much with your lift. So don’t quit school and throw it all away.


1.剧中:till the end of his days.

till the end of someone's days :   直到一辈子最后一天

e.g. He lived in the same apartment till the end of his days.

       My grandparents were married till the end of their days.

2.剧中:I keep a low profile.

low profile :  低调,低姿态        high profile:  高调

e.g. I was late for work today. I should keep a low profile so the boss doesn't notice.

       Dave’s keeping a low profile until his exam is over. He really wants a good grade.


Beyong the see

Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing

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