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Englishpod英语文化脱口秀第126期:圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas!



  1. warm and fuzzy 温暖的毛茸茸的

  2. It's cold outside, but your heart is warm. 外面天气很冷,但是你的心是温暖的。

  3. family reunion 家庭团聚

  4. Christmas is really a family time. You might see on TV, things about Christmas. but really,Americans we don't really, on Christmas day, the 25th, or on Christmas Eve, the 24th, we don'treally go out, we stay home with our family.


  5. religious 宗教的

  6. commercialize 商业化的

  7. family tradition 家庭传统

  8. For my family on the 24th and 25th, we go to church. But the rest of the time we stay homewith our family.


  9. I remember when I was little, I was so excited, I would wake up at 4AM. And my parentsmade a rule: You can go see your presents until, I think they said 7AM? Maybe 6AM?


  10. white lie 善意的谎言

  11. Santa Clause 圣诞老人

  12. chimney 烟囱

  13. milk and cookies 牛奶和饼干

  14. stocking 圣诞长袜

  15. gift wrapping 包礼物

  16. anticipation 期待

  17. Remember the religious side of Christmas is waiting for baby Jesus to be born. It's alsoreligious anticipation.


  18. But for children and some adults, it's anticipation about \"what presents am I going toget?\" 但是对孩子和很多大人来说,期待是关于“我要收到什么礼物?”

  19. The Christmas business is very important. 圣诞节的生意是很重要的。

  20. There's a return policy on almost everything. 几乎所有东西都有退货条款的。

  21. receipt 收据

  22. take off the price tag 标价牌拿掉

  23. gift receipt 礼品收据

  24. honey glazed ham 蜜汁火腿

  25. If you're Jewish, then on Christmas you go to have Chinese food. 如果你是犹太人,圣诞节你就去吃中餐。

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