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  1. salad dressing 色拉上的调料

  2. caesar salad 凯撒色拉

  lettuce 生菜

  chicken breast 鸡胸肉

  crispy bacon pieces 脆培根片

  croutons 烤面包块

  anchovies 凤尾鱼

  caesar dressing 凯撒调料

  3. cobb salad 科布色拉 (Cobb salad has lots of different things in it. 科布色拉里面的料很足。)

  chicken/turkey breast 鸡胸肉/火鸡胸肉

  egg 蛋

  bacon 培根

  avocado 鳄梨/牛油果

  tomato 西红柿

  onion 洋葱

  iceberg lettuce 卷心生菜

  In the cobb salad, you will find most of these ingredients chopped into cubes.


  But usually, they're like, they're in rows right? But then when you eat it, it all goes all crazy.


  4. coleslaw salad 凉拌卷心菜色拉

  Coleslaw is made with cabbage. 卷心菜色拉是卷心菜做的。

  It has cabbage, and carrots, sweet dressing. 它里面有卷心菜、胡萝卜、甜的色拉酱。

  cabbage 卷心菜

  carrot 胡萝卜

  sweet dressing 甜的色拉调料 (mayonnaise 美乃滋色拉酱, white vinegar 白醋)

  raisin 葡萄干

  Coleslaw has many ways to make it; it's a traditional salad in the States. 卷心菜色拉有很多不同的做法,它是美国很传统的一个色拉。

  5. greek salad 希腊色拉

  So a greek salad always has olives, and feta cheese...


  olives 黑橄榄

  feta cheese 菲达芝士

  onion 洋葱

  tomato 西红柿

  cucumber 黄瓜

  olive oil (as the dressing) 橄榄油做酱

  herbs 香料

  salt 盐

  6. garden salad 田园色拉

  Depending on what salad dressing you use, it could be very healthy or not so healthy.


  7. Dressing 色拉调料

  ranch dressing 牧场调料

  Anyway, ranch dressing is a white salad dressing. It's creamy, it's a little bit sour, it has garlic init, and onion, and butter milk.


  caesar dressing 凯撒调料

  Thousand island dressing is just ketchup and mayonnaise with a little bit of pickles in it.


  blue cheese dressing 蓝芝士酱

  Italian dressing 意大利调料

  French dressing 法国调料

  soy dressing 酱油调料

  miso dressing 味噌调料

  8. potato salad 土豆色拉

  9. pasta salad 通心粉色拉

  These are cold. But the patato or the pasta is cooked. 这些都是冷的,但是土豆和通心粉都是烧熟的。

  10. Asian salad 亚洲色拉

  lettuce 生菜

  baby spinach leaves 菠菜叶

  mandarin orange 橘子

  wonton crisps 炸馄饨皮的丝

  sweet dressing 甜的调料

  11. Don't over-dress your salad. 不要放太多调料。

  12. You don't want your salad swimming in your salad dressing. 你不想你的菜都能在色拉酱里游起来了吧。

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