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Christmas traditions and practices: 圣诞传统、庆祝方式

The season of being thankful: 感恩的时节

Electronic cards: 电子贺卡

Christmas greetings: 圣诞祝福

Loved ones: 你爱的人

The Christmas Spirit: 圣诞气息

Christmas Eve: 圣诞夜 (12月24日)

Christmas Day:圣诞节 (12月25日)


Most people celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day: 大多数人在圣诞节25日庆祝圣诞

In China, the craziness happens on Christmas Eve: 在中国,圣诞夜的庆祝活动更多

You can go out partying on Christmas Eve in China: 在中国,圣诞可以出去派对狂欢

That's very different from America: 跟美国很不一样

In America, people mostly spend Christmas with their family: 美国人大多数和家人一起过圣诞

In America, the only places open during Christmas are churches and Chinese restaurants: 在美国,只有中餐馆和教堂圣诞节还开门

Religious beliefs: 宗教信仰

Commercialized: 商业化的

In America, Christmas is more about food, family and presents: 在美国,圣诞节最重要的组成部分就是美食、家人和礼物


Santa Clause/Santa: 圣诞老人

Kris Kringle: 圣诞老人的昵称

Presents from Santa: 来自圣诞老人的礼物

Most kids believe Santa really exists: 大多数北美小朋友相信圣诞老人真的存在

Parents will prepare presents marked as \"from Santa\": 爸妈会买礼物,但是上面写“圣诞老人送给你的”


Kids will prepare milk and cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa:小朋友会在圣诞夜为圣诞老人准备牛奶、曲奇

Fireplace: 壁炉

Don't tell a kid that Santa isn't real: 不要告诉小朋友圣诞老人不存在

You will damage their heart: 你会伤他们的心

Have you been naughty or nice? 父母给礼物之前,会问下孩子,“你是皮还是乖?”

Santa is making a list and checking it twice: 圣诞老公公会写一张乖孩子、调皮孩子的清单,他会检查 (有名的圣诞儿歌)

Sled: 雪橇


Rudolph, the red nose reindeer: 鲁道夫,红鼻子的麋鹿 (最特别的拉雪橇麋鹿, 有首很有名的圣诞歌曲就叫\"Rudolph, the red nose reindeer\")


Christmas carol: 圣诞歌曲

Carol singers: 圣诞歌曲演唱者

They knock on your doors and sing Christmas carols for you: 他们来你家敲门,然后唱圣诞歌给你听

Spread the Christmas spirit: 传递圣诞气息

Go door to door: 挨家挨户


Christmas dinner: 圣诞大餐

A big feast: 一顿丰盛的大餐

Coordinate: 调配、安排

Turkey/the big bird/Tom: 火鸡

Christmas ham: 圣诞火腿

Some people feel turkey'ed out. So they eat ham: 有些人(感恩节)吃了太多火鸡,所以圣诞吃火腿。

Honey-glazed ham: 蜜汁火腿

Bone in the middle: 中间有一根骨头

Coat it with honey on the outside and bake it in the oven: 表面刷蜂蜜,然后放进烤箱烤

Many Jews go to Chinese restaurants on Christmas because they're the only place open: 很多美国犹太人圣诞节会去中餐馆,因为他们不庆祝基督教节日。而中餐馆在很多地方是唯一营业的餐馆。


Egg nog: 蛋酒 (含生鸡蛋的酒)

Cider: 苹果酒

Mulled wine:加热、加香料的红酒

Raw egg: 生鸡蛋

Booze:酒、酒精 (俚语)

Recipes: 配方

Spirit: 烈酒


Christmas spices: 有圣诞气息的香料


A romantic Christmas tradition: 浪漫的圣诞传统

Mistletoe: 槲寄生 (一种植物)

You hang a mistletoe over the doorway: 传统是把一支槲寄生挂在天花板上

Whoever walks under the mistletoe need to kiss each other: 走到槲寄生下的两个人要接吻

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