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胡敏读故事记单词 打败儿子下

[00:00.00]听力课堂网(aiyangedu.cn)prey -- proclaim The privileged
[00:04.78]Relaxing in his tent,
[00:08.44]the principal was in the process of reviewing his primer
[00:14.21]on using primitive techniques to capture a prey
[00:19.17]when his privacy was rudely interrupted.
[00:23.85]A man was standing in the entrance of his tent with a gun in his hand.
[00:30.01]\"Out!\"The man said.\"
[00:33.25]As the principal walked out into the pristine woods
[00:38.53]he prioritized the needs of the moment.
[00:42.58]His first priority was to make sure the other members of his team were all right.
[00:49.11]They were.
[00:51.67]Then he probed the camp with his eyes for any tool that he could use.
[00:57.52]He saw a piece of wood that he had sharpened the prior afternoon.
[01:02.98]Picking it up he pretended to use it as a walking stick.
[01:09.04]\"Put that down!\" The man said.
[01:12.91]\"But I can't walk without it.I injured my leg the other day. \"
[01:18.55]Assenting,the man looked at his prizes.\"No women?\" He asked.
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