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赖世雄中级美国英语It's Too Late

A mother and her child are walking along the street.
(C=child; M=mother; W=waiter in a restaurant)
C: Mom, I need to go to the washroom.
M: Uh-oh! Can't you wait?
C: I can't stand it anymore.
M: OK, let's go into this restaurant. Excuse me, but can my son use your toilet?
W: Of course not. This is a restaurant, not a public toilet.
M: You're so mean.
W: Oh, OK. But it'll cost you US$5.
M: What? That's highway robbery.
C: Mom, never mind. It's too late.
W: Hey, come back here and mop the floor.

droppings  狗的粪便
sidewalk  人行道
to be late for sth 迟到
scold 责骂
along the street = down the street    up the street
May I walk you home?  陪你回家   take a walk 散步,走开(when scold sb)   hike
Uh-oh!  糟了
Uh-huh  yes,right,ok
bad breath 口臭
duriam 留连
I am sorry, but you are wrong. but 不翻译
toilet 马桶
mean 多译词,这里\"不友善的\"
pee 小便,撒尿
mop the floor 擦地板

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