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赖世雄中级美国英语Touring by Taxi

One of the most convenient but expensive ways to get around a city in any country is by taxi. And in some cases, tipping is expected. 
A taxi driver knows the city like the back of his hand. He can tell you whatever you want to know. At the same time he'll be your personal tour guide. He can take you wherever you want to go. So, however expensive the taxi ride may be, the advice you get from the driver will certainly be worth it.

words and expressions:

hire a taxi 租出租车
The plane is taxiing down the runway. 滑行
We toured the city yesterday.  We took a tour in the city yesterday.
The best way to get around New York is by subway.
refreshed 精力恢复
to get away from it all 摆脱所有
in some cases = in some situations
In most cases, winter is very uncomfortable in New York.
comfy(comfortable口语)     couch 长沙发
give me a tip of one dollar = give me a dollar's tip 小费
give me a tip on sth   advice
know sth like sth 熟悉...象...     I lived in the city for 50 years. I know it like the back of my hand.
Tour guide can help you with emergency.
He can take you wherever you want to go = take you anywhere you want to go = take you to anyplace you want
to go
No matter how(However) rich he may be, I don't envy him.
It's worth it to study English.   worth 介词
some good advice  or  a good piece of advice   advice不可数  不说:a good advice
keep your temper   lose your temper

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