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赖世雄中级美国英语Changing Money

40.Changing Money

Ritchie Li is at a bank in Australia. He tries not to show how nervous he is about speaking English.
R: Excuse me, miss. I would like to change 500 US dollars into Australian dollars, please.
T: Are you changing cash or traveler's checks?
R: Traveler's checks.
T: Can I have a look at you passport?
R: Sure. Here you are. By the way, do you charge any commission?
T: Not at this bank. Please sign here on your checks. How do you want your money?
R: four one-hundred-dollar bills and the rest in smaller bills, please.
T: Here you are, sir.
R: Thanks. You've been very helpful.
T: Thank you. Have a nice day.
R: You too. Goodbye. (Ritchie says to himself)
   Whew! That wasn't so difficult after all.

show = reveal     gittery
change ... into ... 换钱
write a check for sb  开支票
ID card 身份证
charge commission  索取手续费
incidentally = by the way
bill 纸钞

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