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赖世雄中级美国英语He Who Hesitates Is Lost

Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy.
M: Are you having a good time, Daisy?
D: Are kidding? I'm having the time of my life. I loved the concerts.
M: Concert going is fantastic but what else can we do?
D: Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun.
M: It sounds like a great idea!
D: Let's do it then.
M: You're right. As they say, \"He who hesitates is lost.\"

He who works hard will be successful.  \"He\" means anyone.  or: one, those
I was lost in that music. 沉醉于 = be absorbed in one's work
While on vocation last year, I visited France and Italy. 渡假
Chinese character 中国字  不说 Chinese words
have a lot of fun = have a good time
a lot of concert
The artist will put on (hold) an exhibit next month.  (put on 娱乐)
fantastic = wonderful, great, awesome, terrific (cool for the young)
aweful = terrible 糟
Biking along the bank could be/can be/must be/is fun.
Learning English is fun.  fun 好玩(a good time)   funny 滑稽  含义不同  fun man, funny man
The students made fun of the new kid of class. 嘲笑

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