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4、Americans' Favorite sentences

Jin's Favorite sentences

1. I’m not afraid of working under stress.

2. She kowns all the tricks of the trade.

3. I’ll treasure those memories forever.

Nabil's Favorite sentences

I don’t like the movie, it’s truly a tragedy.

Kim's Favorite sentences

Mom told me not to trust strangers on the street.

Andrew's Favorite sentences

1. My parents are very strict with us.

2. Laws in Singapore are very strict.


1. Are you trying to trick me?

2. I’m a stranger here myself.

3. Relax! Don’t stress yourself out.

4. It takes extra time and effort.

5. Language is one of my strengths/ strong point.

6. I was strucked by a great ideal about how to solve the problem.

7. The Great Wall attracts millions of travelers every year.

8. To tell you the truth, your plan is very attractive, but it doesn’t seem to be practical.


1. Can I try it on?

2. That’s not ture.

3. It’s my treat.

A: how much do I owe you for dinner?

B: don’t worry about it, it’s my treat.

4. You should give it a try.

5. How was your trip.

6. Sorry to trouble you.

7. You can trust me.

8. That’s extremely interesting.

9. Money doesn’t grow on tress.

A: can I have 5 dollars?

B: you always want money. Money doesn’t grow on tress, you kown!

10. You look strong and healthy.



1. tr tr tr traffic

2. tr tr tr train

3. tr tr tr transfer

4. tr tr tr translate

5. tr tr tr trash

6. tr tr tr trifle

7. tr tr tr trouble

8. tr tr tr contrary

9. tr tr tr attraction

10. tr tr tr introverted 内向的,含蓄的


I take the NO. 522 bus to the zoo, and then I transfer to the NO. 192 bus to get to LiYang’s office.

There are many favorite attractions in GuangZhou.

The traffic situation I BeiJing is getting better.


1. tr tr tr straightforward 直接的,诚实的,坦率的

2. tr tr tr stranger

3. tr tr tr stress

4. tr tr tr extraordinary

5. tr tr tr extra

6. tr tr tr extroverted 外向的,好社交的

7. tr tr tr destruction

8. tr tr tr distribute

9. tr tr tr distract

10. tr tr tr distrust


1. Jim is a straighforward person.

2. Don’t distract me from my stuidies. I have an exam tomorrow.

3. She has an extraordinary ability to learn new languages.

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