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The 1993 to '94 season was when Sampras acquired the nickname \"Pistol Pete\" after slamming down a thousand aces on his way to three Grand Slam titles in a row. Since then, his only setbacks have been the death of his coach and mentor Tim Gullikson and his continuing inability to come to grips with playing on clay. The French Open championship on the clay courts of Roland Garros is still the only Grand Slam title to have stayed beyond his grasp. Whether or not Pistol Pete manages to break the clay court jinx in the twilight years of his playing career, one thing is certain: When he does finally decide to call it a day, his place among the great names of tennis is guaranteed.

九三至九四年,桑普拉斯连续夺下三项大满贯赛冠军,并在此期间发了超过千个 ‘爱司球’(发球得分)。如此优异的表现,为他赢得‘快枪球王’的雅号。自此,他几乎所向披靡,只有在他的教练兼顾问──古力克森先生逝世时,才陷入过低潮;除此之外,他最大的遗憾,就是一直未能在红土球场称霸。在罗兰加洛红土球场举办的法国公开赛,迄今仍是他满桌大满贯赛冠军杯中唯一的遗憾。无论‘快枪球王’是否能在他日薄西山的职业网球生涯的末年破除这项‘红土魔咒’,至少有一个事实绝对不容磨灭:在他终于决定褪下战袍引退的那一刻,他已在网球殿堂立下了难以撼摇的地位。


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