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每日一招学英语关于考试的说法 & 电话通知录用

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth


What’s going to be covered on the test?

What’s going to be on?

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


What will my hours and salary be?

When do I start?

When do you want me start?

Is this Marry? This is Tom Lin from Digital USA. I’m calling to offer you the sales representative position.

Great, what will my hours and salary be?

You hours are flexible and your salary will be 29,000.

Sounds good! When do I start?

I’m calling to offer you the position you interviewed for. We would love to have you come to work for us.

When do you want me start?

As soon as possible.

I need at least two weeks.

Do you accept the offer?

Yes, it would be an honor to work for you.

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


a.       Are you feeling OK?

b.       I have had a bad cough. It keeps getting worse.

c.       Have you been to a doctor?

d.       What doctor do you go to?

e.       If you don’t feel well, go home.

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每日一招学英语关于考试的说法 & 电话通知录用:等您坐沙发呢!

