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每日一招学英语在压力下你依然能够很好的工作吗?& 如何付账

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth


Don’t push me around.

Don’t push me any further.

You’re so bossy, I don’t like that!

Push the button. 指使,操纵

Let me be! 别管我!

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


Do you work well under pressure?

Do you work well under pressure?

Most of the time. I’m really level-headed.

When does it get to you?

When it goes on for a long periods of time.

How well do you work under pressure?

I thrive under pressure.

That’s good to know.

Is this a high stress environment?

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


That was a good meal! How much is the check?

The total is 24 dollars.

I’ll pay the bill.

Please let me pay. I plan to buy your dinner.

That is kind of you. Let’s at least split the check.

You leave the tip and I’ll pay the bill.

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每日一招学英语在压力下你依然能够很好的工作吗?& 如何付账:等您坐沙发呢!

