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每日一招学英语如何争执 & 如何回答“你的同事如何评价你”

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth


Don’t be stupid

Wise up: 动脑子

Wise up please~~~~~~~~~!

Hi grow up!

2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


What would your colleague see about you?

What would your colleague see about you?

They would say that I am a dependable fun person to work with.

May we contact any of them?

Yes, please do!

Do you know what your co-workers say about you?

Most of them would say I am intelligent and driven.

What about rest of them?

Others say that I am workaholic.

What would your colleague see about you?

They would say I am a harder worker who can do many things at one time.

Can you handle several things at one time?

3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


a.       I’d like to have a two bedrooms apartment.

b.       That may not available .

c.       Where are the major application to rent?

d.       The sooner ,the better.

e.       If you need any help let me know.

f.        I have to get an apartment soon.

g.       Do you know if there are any weekend apartments?

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