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每日一招学英语如何请求帮助 & 如何说自己最不喜欢的科目

1、 开口就说 Open your mouth


Could you do me a favor?

Could give me a hand?

Could you do me a little favor?


2、 学来就用 Let’s practice


What subject did you enjoy the least?


What was your least favorite subject in school?

I hated ……

I never could figure out the formulas that went with the shapes.


I see your degree is accounting.

Yes it is

What was your least favorite subject in school?

I never really cared for history class.


literature major: 文学专业

I used to read about seven books a week.

used to: 过去经常……

What was your least favorite course?


3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday


a.       How long could you be in ……

b.       Probably about a year.

c.       I don’t think so.

d.       Have you ever thought about learning Chinese?

e.       It’s not a bad idea.

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每日一招学英语如何请求帮助 & 如何说自己最不喜欢的科目:等您坐沙发呢!

