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no book慢速英语[第一级]lesson 1

Lesson One The Prince of Wales

Many year ago a King of England took his soldiers to Wales.The Queen went with them.
The King and Queen stayed at a big castle in North Wales.
Some of the people of Wales came to visit the King.
They said to him,\"Give us a prince.We want a Prince of Wales.We don't want a prince from England.
We don't want a prince who speaks English.\"
The King promised them a prince.
A few days later,he called the people to the castle.He said,\"I shall give you a prince.
Your prince has lived all his life in Wales.He cannot speak one word of English.He is a real Prince of Wales.
Would you like to meet him?\"
\"Yes,yes!\"the people cried.\"Show us our prince\"
Then the King went into another room.When he came back,he was carrying a little baby.
:Here is your prince,\"he said.\"He is my first son.He was born in this castle three days ago.He is the Prince of Wales.\"
The people of Wales were very happy.
Since that time the first son of the King or Queen of England has been called the Prince of Wales.


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