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情景英语口语100主题043extreme sports and other sports极限运动和其他运动项目

043 extreme sports and other sports
Bungee jumping
Cliff diving
Weight lifting
Motor racing
Motorcycle racing
Horse racing
Take part in a race/an event
Extreme sports
Do…as a hobby
Participate in
Take up skiing/judo
A: do you do any sports?
B; yes, I do. I enjoy wrestling and skiing
A; where do you go skiing? There aren’t many place to go skiing in this country.
B; I usually go to switzerland and Austria. It’s expensive, but the facilities and slopes are excellent.
A; do you go alone or with a group of friends?
B; I usually go with some other people. If we are a large group, we can get a group discount. It also gives me some other people to ski with and chat with.
A; how often do you wrestle?
B; there’s a club in the city centre. I usually go once or twice a week. I’m not very good, but I enjoy it. The people there are really nice. We sometimes meet and go out together in the evenings.
A; I go shooting most weekends. I only shoot at targets. I don’t hunt wild animals. Of course, we only use air rifles, not real guns.
A; are extreme sports popular in your country?
B; they’re not very popular. Only a relatively small number of people do them. Many people enjoy watching them on TV. There’s a very popular TV programme on each week, which looks at extreme sports and the people who participate in them.
A; which sports are usually featured on the programme?
B; bungee jumping, skydiving, and cliff diving are the most common, but there are other kinds of sports, such as motor racing and skateboarding.
A: I think that the people who do the skateboarding are very skilled. It must be take a lot of practice to stay on the skateboard whilst doing so many jumps and turns.
B; the kids who do it are so young. Well, it’s better for them than sitting at home watching the TV all day!
A; would you like to try any extreme sports?
B: I’m going to bungee jumping on Saturday. I’m very nervous about it, but my friends convinced me to give it a try.
A; I’m sure you’ll be safe. The organizers have lots of safety procedures. Can I come and watch?
B; I guess so. You might even be tempted to do a bungee jump.
A; I might. It’s something I’ve often thought about doing.
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情景英语口语100主题043extreme sports and other sports极限运动和其他运动项目:等您坐沙发呢!

