首页 > 人人说英语(初级口语) > 人人说英语(初级口语)14


1. Computer company congratulation

Hi, John, what make you so happy.

You know what, I\'ve just got a new job in a computer company.

Oh, congratulations.

2. promote lucky deserve

John, I have got you promoted, is that true?

Yes, I set a lucky.

Oh, John, You deserved. You\'ve been working so hard.

Thank you for saying that.

3. get married wedding

Lee, I\'m going to get married next month.

Good news. I congratulations.

You are invited to my wedding.

Thank you. I certainly arrive there.

Propose toast celeberation pass exam engagement


To your home.

let me propose a toast.

This call for a celebration.

I hear you have passed exam, congratulaitons.

Congratulaion by your engagement.

good for you.

I\'m very happy to learn that you are going to study abroad.

Wish you success.

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