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生活英语对话 Episode 19: Tim\'s reward

本单元是关于对 Tim 回报的对话

Tim: Hello I\'m calling from McCarthy\'s. I helped you when you were looking at watches the other day.

Customer: Yes?

Tim: I think I\'ve found something of yours. Have you lost anything?

Customer: Not that I\'ve noticed. No, nothing seems to be missing.

Tim: Well, you dropped 150 pounds!

Customer: Really!

Tim: Yes. Now, how can I return your money?

Customer: Oh how refreshingly honest! But I think a small reward is in order, don\'t you?

Tim: Oh I couldn\'t.

Customer: You could. I\'m sure you have a pretty young girlfriend who needs to be spoiled.

Tim: No I don\'t. I\'m single just now.

Customer: A good looking man like you? I don\'t believe it!


something (for example, a reward) is in order: : it\'s logical or right that something should happen (for example, that Tim should get a reward)

to return (v): to give something back

本单元的语言点是关于不定代词 No/None/Any, 看看下面对这几个词的例句和解释


No, none and none of

\'no\' with a noun:

We have no homework today. = We don\'t have any homework.

She has no brothers. = She doesn\'t have any brothers.

\'none\' without a noun:

\'How much money have you got? \'None\' = No money

\'How many letters did you send?\' \'None\' = No letters

\'none of\' with a noun:

All of the class passed the test. None of us failed.

I went by myself. None of my friends came with me.

\'No\' + noun at the beginning of sentence:

No butter was used in the cake.

No animals were harmed in the making of this film.

Nobody/no-one, nothing and nowhere

In a statement:

Nobody (or no-one) likes doing the washing up in our flat.

I have nothing to wear to the party.

In a short answer:

What did you buy?\' \'Nothing.\' = I didn\'t buy anything.

\'Where are you going on holiday?\'\' Nowhere, we\'re just staying at home this year.\'

nobody/nowhere/nothing = not + anybody/anywhere/anything:

He helped nobody (or no-one) = He didn\'t help anyone.

Note: He didn\'t help nobody. (Wrong)

They\'ve eaten all the cake. There\'s nothing left. = There isn\'t anything left.

Note: There\'s not nothing left. (Wrong)

Any/anyone/anything = it doesn’t matter who/which one

Anyone in that office will help you. = It doesn\'t matter which person you ask, he or she will help you.

It doesn\'t matter what you give me to drink. Honestly, tea, coffee, water, anything is fine.

Note: after nobody/no-one you can use they/them/their:

Nobody wants to play football, do they?

No-one in the office has sent their Christmas cards out yet.

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