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生活英语情景口语100主题 22. Insurance 购买保险

Dialogue 1 S(Samantha) B(Brayden)

S: How may I help you today?

B: I'd like to get some information about your insurance policies.

S: What kind of policy are you looking for?

B: I was thinking about taking out a life insurance policy for my wife and I.

S: Ok. Have you ever bought any other insurance policies from our company before?

B: Yes. I currently have a car insurance policy and a house insurance policy with you.

S: That's great. I just need you to look over the terms and conditions here and then we can start filling in the forms.

B: I've actually already read through them.

S: Did you have any questions about it?

B: No.

S: Ok, who would you like the beneficiary to be on your policies?

B: I'd like my wife to be the primary beneficiary of my policy, I'll be the primary beneficiary of my wife's policy, and our son will be the secondary beneficiary of both policies.

S: Ok. Have you decided on a premium for each policy?

B: Yes. I'd like to take out two single-premium life insurance policies.

S: Would you like the option to make withdrawals later on in life in an emergency?

B: Yes, please. You never know what might happen in the future.

S: That's so true.

Dialogue 2

B: I'd like to get some temporary medical insurance for travelling.

S: Ok, Where will you be travelling?

B: My family and I will be travelling to America, and since health care is so expensive there, we don't want to leave anything to risk.

S: That's very wise of you. Are you familiar with our different policies?

B: Yes. But I have a question about the silver family account. Does it include medical evacuation for the entire family or just the person who is sick?

S: It wil pay for the person who is sick plus one person to accompany him or her to fly back home.

B: I see. How do you make a claim?

S: For any medical emergency less than $1000, you 'll have to pay the hospital directly and then file afterwards to get a refund.

B: How about for medical emergencies that are over $1000?

S: For those, you'll be exempt from paying completely. Just make sure you have your insurance cards on you so that you can give us a call when you go to the hospital.

B: Ok. Let me just quickly read the fine print and then I'll add my signature to the forms.

S: You might also want to think about taking out some travel insurance, which will insure your belongings, flights, and hotel reservations if there are any cancellations or lost belongings.

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生活英语情景口语100主题 22. Insurance 购买保险:等您坐沙发呢!

