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实用英语口语unit14 娱乐与休息

Unit 14 Entertainment and recreation
What’s your favorite kind of music?
Do you like Jazz?
Which do you prefer, classical music or modern music?
How did you like the movie?
I like cartoons better than anything else.
Children are usually interested in cartoons.
What plays are showing in town tonight?
What do you do for relaxation?
How do you spend your leisure time?
I’d like to spend my leisure time watching television.
What do you do in your spare time.
In summer I go hiking. In winter I ski.
Do you mind if I come along sometime?
No, not at all. Glad to have you.
What’s your favorite kind of music? Do you like pop music?
I like almost all of kinds of music. But I like country music best of all.
There was a country music concert last week.
I wish I had been there.
I like it, too. But sometimes I enjoy jazz and classical music.
You have good taste of music.
Do you often go to the movies?
Not often, but occasionally.
It will do you good to go out for entertainment at weekends. What kind of movie do you like best?
It’s hard to say.
Shall we go downtown for a movie this Friday evening?
Very good. What’s on?
I’m not sure. Let me give a call to find out.
What’s your favorite kind of music?
What’s your favorite kind of songs?
What’s your favorite kind of arts?
What’s your favorite kind of recreation activities?
Do you like jazz?
Do you like the Chinese music concert?
Do you like playing volleyball?
Do you like to go to the Summer Palace?
Which do you prefer, classical music or modern music?
Which do you prefer, fishing or hiking?
Which do you prefer, playing basketball or volleyball?
Which do you prefer, movies or dancing?
How do you like the concert?
How do you like the scary/horry movie?
How do you like the quire?
How do you like her birthday party?
I like cartoons better than anything else.
I like quire better than anything else
I like scary movies better than anything else.
I like hiking better than anything else.
I like to spend my leisure time watching television.
I like to spend my leisure time reading.
I like to spend my leisure time talking with my friends.
I like to spend my leisure time playing basketball.
Entertainment, recreation, favorite, jazz, classical, cartoon, relaxation, leisure, hiking, go hiking, ski, location, concert, pop, best-seller, downtown, go downtown

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