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thank you very much

it's very kind of you

don't mention it,it was nothing really

you are welcome

can anyone tell me the answer to the question

can you tell me where your room is

would you please lend me your bike

could you help me with the bag

could you spare me a few minute

if i can make a request ,i'd like to hear some music

can i help you, sir

yes,could you tell me if there is a l in this hotel

yes , it's on the third floor

thank you very much

you are welcome

excuse me ,could you spare me a few minute

yes certainly,how can i help you

do you know if train is on time to be here

sorry, i don't know, i'm a passenger

i'm waitting for my train

do you mind if i read your newspaper for a while

cetainly not,here it is

thanks a lot

thank you for

thank you for all your done

thank you for showing me around

thank you for buying this for me

could you spare me a few minute

could you pass the pen to me

could you help me with the luggage

can you tell me where mr. lee's room is

can you tell me which hotel is the best one

can you tell me why you are late

welcome know answer question room please lend bike spare music hotel third floor certainly train passenger wait newspaper while

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