now let's begin unit 5
first let's look at some basic sentences 我们先来看一下基本句型
How about going with us ?
Would you like to join us ?
I'd like to invite you to the party.
How about going with us ? 和 Would you like to join us ? 比 I'd like to invite you to the party. 要稍微不正式点.
Are you free on Sunday ?
Why don't come and join us for a dance ?
Thanks,I'd like to.
回答别人的邀请时,如果你想去,想接受别人的邀请可以说I'd like to.
It's so nice of you,thanks a lot.
That's a good ideal.
Oh,I'm afraid I can not to go tonight,perhaps tomorrow everning ?
I'm sorry i can't,but thank you anyway.
拒绝别人的邀请时,最好说I'm sorry i can't.而且同时感谢对方的邀请.thank you anyway.
Let's try some scene dialogue.
How about having a cup of tea with us?
All right,that's very nice of you.
Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
Oh,I'm sorry i can't Mark.thank anyhow.
Hello,this's Susan.
Hello,I'm Mark.i'm just wounder if you are free this weekend?
Yes,I think so.
Good,I'm thinking i'd like to invite you to watch movie.I can meet you at the cinema gate.
what's the time ?
6:30 tonight.
Oh,I'm sorry i can't,because i have to do some housework.you can ask Jenny to go wiht you.
All right,maybe next time i can go with you.bye
let's look at
would you like to have a dinner with us?
would you like to go to the cinema with me?
would you like to go to a concert with me ?
would you like to join us to play football ?
I'd like to invite you to my house.
I'd like to invite you to our Christmas party.
I'd like to invite you to play a peace music with me.
I'd like to invite you to go to the part with us this weekend.
How about join a party ?
How about singing a song for us ?
How about going to the teahouse together ?
How about watching the movie with me ?
What about join a party ?
What about singing a song for us ?
What about watching the movie with me ?
Why don't you come and join us for a dinner ?
Why don't you come and join us for a party ?
Why don't you come and join us for a playing basketball ?
Why don't you come and join us for tasting my mother's cake ?
words and expression
with us like join invite party wounder
see film free someday dance nice
ideal tonight perhaps tomorrow cup
tea anyhow watch movie ask gate meet
because housework
movie ask meat because housework