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万用英语口语句典05.01.07 还价

05.01.07 还价
1, It's too expensive.
2, The price is too high.
3, it costs a bit too much.
4, Do you have any cheaper ones?
5, Can you come down a little bit.
6, Can't you make it cheaper?
7, You can have it cheaper if you buy a packet.
8, Can the price be less if I pay by cash?
9, That's a bit more than what I want to pay.
10, It's the best offer in town.
11, It's extremely cheap.
12, Can I have a discount?
13, Do you make a discount on this goods?
14, In that case, we can knock off 10%.
15, How about 20% off?
16, What would be the lowest price?
17, I'll take off, let's say 40 Yuan.
18, 88 Yuan, I'll take it.

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