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万用英语口语句典05.01.03 选购

05.01.03 选购

1, Just ask if you want any help.
2, I'm just looking around.
3, Excuse me, I'd like a tie.
4, I'm looking for a purple leather bag.
5, Any good wine that can be used as a gift?
6, How much is this?
7, Is this for men?
8, Would you tell me what you do charge for the jogging suit?
9, I'd like to buy a pair of sandals for my husband.
10, His shoes are size 41.
11, I'd like to buy a necklace for my mother.
12, What's the output of this computer?
13, Can I have a look at this digital camera, please?
14, I'd like to buy a bottle of shampoo.
15, Could I have one with the V-neck?
16, I'd like a pair of trousers matching this jacket.
17, Do you have any Longjing tea please?
18, Would you measure me, please?
19, Do you have any more of these goods?
20, Will you be having any more in?
21, Do you still have this brand of cola?
22, Where can I find dairy products?
23, Do you have a gift counter?
24, Which these coats is best quality, please?
25, We are having a clearance sale.
26, My budget is about 300 Yuan.
27, Could you weigh this for me?
28, Slice me half a kilogram of pork.
29, It's sold by the kilogram, 3 Yuan per Kilo.
30, There's no price on this item.
31, The price on the item is not correct.

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