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万用英语口语句典04.02.07 买药

04.02.07 买药

1, Can you fill this prescription for me?
2, I'd like to buy some medicine.
3, I have diarrhea. Do you have medicine for it?
4, Do you have something for athlete's foot?
5, Do you have medicine for a cold?
6, I like some pain-killing drugs.
7, What drugs can reduce a fever?
8, Are these tablets available over the counter?
9, Doctor, what is this for, can you tell me?
10, Should I take this with meals?
11, Could you tell me how to take this medicine?
12, How many of these should I take?
13, How many pills do I take everyday?
14, How many times a day should I take this medicine?
15, Does this drug have any side effects?
16, Can I drive after taking this medicine?
17, After taking this medicine, how long before I feel better?

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