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万用英语口语句典04.02.03 头部不适

04.02.03 头部不适

1, I have a headache.
2, Do you still have a headache?
3, I feel giddy.
4, My nose is stuffy.
5, My nose is running.
6, I'm sniffling and sneezing.
7, I'm slowly lose my hearing.
8, My right ear is discharging.
9, I've had toothache all day.
10, This tooth is killing me as soon as I eat sour food.
11, My gums are bleeding.
12, There is a hole in my tooth.
13, I have sore eyes.
14, My eyelid is swollen.
15, My eyes are bloodshot.
16, My eyes are very itchy.
17, My eyes ache after using a computer for just a while.
18, I have a sore throat.
19, I have a terrible cough.


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万用英语口语句典04.02.03 头部不适:等您坐沙发呢!

