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万用英语口语句典03.01.07 回家后

03.01.07 回家后

1, I can't find the key.
2, Who is it?
3, Honey, I'm home.
4, You better wash your hands first.
5, How did it go today.
6, I'm exhausted.
7, It's just not my day.
8, Just as usual.
9, I'm very lucky today.
10, I'm feeling down.
11, I'm ravenous, so let's dine out.
12, I'm too tired, so I don't want to cook by myself.
13, where are the snacks?
14, It makes me feel good to see my family's faces.
15, I want to take a shower.
16, I'll get the bath ready for you.
17, I've run the bath water.
18, Would you please give me a cup of tea?
19, Please check the messages on the answering machine.

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万用英语口语句典03.01.07 回家后:等您坐沙发呢!

