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万用英语口语句典03.01.02 做家务

03.01.02 做家务

1What a mess.
2, I feel we ought to have a house cleaning.
3, it's stuffy in this room.
4, Go help your father vacuum the living room.
5, Did you walk the dog?
6, Have you fed the dog?
7, Have you cleaned your room?
8, Could you dust living room furniture?
9, Water the flowers.
10, I made it myself.
11, I especially want to keep the toilet clean.
12, Please sweep the floor.
13, Give me all your dirty clothes.
14, The laundry has really piled up.
15, David, come help me do the laundry.
16, Did I stuff too much laundry in the washer?
17, This stain is really stubborn.
18, Please Iron my shirt.
19, The water heater doesn't work again, can you fix it?
20, We've ran out of dish detergent.
21, I plan to repaint our house by myself.
22, Could you check our mail box?
23, The drain is blocked again.
24, David, go take out the garbage.

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万用英语口语句典03.01.02 做家务:等您坐沙发呢!

