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万用英语口语句典01.04.01 谈论相貌

01.04.01 谈论相貌
1. She looks old for her age.
2. She has put on weight.
3. He looks younger than you.
4. Is Jane twice of your age?
5. He's still energetic.
6. Why does she look pale?
7. Jane pulled on a long face today.
&pull on a long face
8. Laura has long flowing hair down to her shoulders.
9.He has an oval face.
10.Her eyes are glazed.
11.Her eyebrows are shapely.
12.What's your impression of Jane?
13.He has blue eyes and snowy teeth.
14.Her eyes are dewy and her lips are thin and ruddy.
15.He's bony.
16.She's slender.
17.He's man of middle height.
18.I'm taller than Jordan.
19.He's heavy-built and muscular.
20.What a tasteless dress.
21.She's so attractive. She deserves a second look
22.She's got great curves
23. David has those killer looks.

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