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万用英语口语句典01.01.02 介绍他人

01.01. 02 介绍他人
1. Hi, Peter. Have you met Bob?
2. I 'l introduce you to everybody.
3. I'd like to introduce Mr. Brown.
4. I'd like you to meet my friend, Jane.
5. I don't think you met David, did you?
*Have you two been introduced?
A:I don't think you met David, did you?
B:No,I haven't had the pleasure(
6. Have I introduced you to David?
7. I don't think you've met before.
8. This is Jane, our monitor.
9. I'm honored to present Mr. Brown.
10. David, have you met Jane before?
11. I haven't had a chance to meet him yet?
12. Mr. Brown is in an insurance business.
13. I think you'll be good friends.

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