how long are you staying?
how long does it take?
how much is this?
how many times?
how about lunch?
how about driving?
tell me how to use this machine?
how can i get to you house?
how would you like your steak?
what is this?
what are you doing?
what did you say?
what can i do for you?
what is you telephone number?
what type of car do you like?
what shall i do?
do you have smokes,demon?
do you have caffe links?
do you have a room?
what kind of food do you have?
what kind of scotch do you have?
do you have a appointment tonight?
do you have small change?
i like to play tennis.
I'd like to make a reservation.
I'd like to see him.
I'd like to go there.
I'd like to have hot milk.
I'd like to have a quiet room.
may I?
may i smoke?
may I come in?
may i have you name?
may i use you bath room?
it is no use.
this telephone is in no use.
this bath room is in no use.
may i use you pen?
use you brains!
I have a pen here.
I have a cold.
I have a bad toothache.
I have serious diarrhea.
Ambulance, please.
I feel sick
I feel chilly.
I feel feverish.
I feel dizzy.
my head is swiming.
I have a pain in my hand.
Do you feel any pain?
it's hang over
I feel like vomiting.
I have no appetite.
I am lack of sleep.
My camera is stolen.
My travelling check is stolen
someone stole my money.
I lost my purse.
please, call the police.
please call the empathy.
leave me alone.
leave me alone,will you?
it's me.
who is next?
you and me.
it's convenience for you and me.
you and I have to go.
which comes first?
this dish comes first.
come here.
come on, everybody.
come here please
he back in to me to come near.
he was named as chairman.
why? it's you!
give me room for all nine.
give me 4112141.
hold the line please!
the line is busy.
give me a call tomorrow.
I'll call you.
I'll call again.
I'd like to call japan.
No calls until 5 pm.
I can't hear you.
the line there are crossed.
have you got this?
where is you house?
it's near here.
it just stone throw away。
where is the postoffice.
is it far from here.
it is within the stone's throw.
my house is within the stone's throw from here.
with in 10 minutes!
with in 5 meters.
he does evil things with him alone
is it in walking distance?
it is a one hour job.
this ticket is good for 5 days.
in valid
is this ticket good for a week?
this ticket is in good for today
this coupon is good only for weekdays
this coupon isn't good for saturdays and sundays
I want a coupon ticket
where can i get rayway ticket
it is a effective mean
no stop over allowed on this ticket
this ticket is only good for today.
at nine on the dot
polk dot
dotted line
just at nine
nine sharp
left me at nine
why don't you come at five on the dot
come and see me at three on the dot
all right,I will come at one on the dot
I was in time for the appiontment
he is punctured
do you have any thing to declare?
no ,nothing
do you have anything to drink?
nothing at all.
do you have any trouble?
do you have any complaint?
you don't have any weapon, do you?
I am not in that line.
what is your line?
it is my line.
singing is my line.
I am in the line of singing
you are as good as pro.
I didn't know you that good.
it is my specialty.
the picture is upside down.
you nametag is upside down.
she hang the picture upside down
she turned the box upside down
you shirt is inside out
excuse me,but you shirt is inside out.
your sock is inside out
oh thank you
the left and right are in reverse
the fan in the back are in reverse
this side up ,one to many
two to many
two to many
three to many
four leaders too much
five kilograms too much
you need one more
up some extra dress,please
they are some aired
you over charge to me
I am afraid you've over charge to me
they over charged me
I was over charged
our service charges included
service charges are not included
breakfast is included
our budget is 3 $ per head,including taxi and service charges.
I got this at give way price
see,that must cost you a fortune
you made a mistake in calculation
give me the receipt.
will you do the sums again.
it is pouring
the raining is pouring down
It is raining cats and dogs
it is raining like a water fall.
it come on to raining baccates
it is terencial rain
may i borrow you a umbrella?
let wait until the rain stops
what does the weather forecast for tomorrow say?
there will be some rain showers
the car stoled
the car overheated is stolen on the street.
where is the gas station?
where can i get my car repaired?
the car needs gas.
the flat tire
we were in the heavy traffic
the battery went out
tell me the short caught
don't make fun of me
she escaped
don't put me on
I hant for a house to let
on nature
he is puting on airs
she annoyed me
