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移动英语对话对话1级第 20 部分

Part 20: Weather and vacation

1. weather

What’s the weather like?

It’s a nice day.

It’s beautiful .

It’s a lovely day.

It’s an awful day.

The weather is bad.

It’s a horrible day.

2. temperature

What’s the temperature?

What’s the temperature like today?

It’s 18 degrees.


It’s very hot.

It’s very cold.

Unit 1: Booking a vacation

Good morning, Can I help you?

I'd like to book a holiday.

Sure, do you know where you'd like to go?

Yes, I was thinking of Italy.

How long would you like to stay?

About one week.

Here is a brochure with the details of a good package tour.

This looks very nice, I'd like to go in October, Do I have to

book now?

Yes,early bookings are essential in the high season.

Very well, I'd like to leave on October the 10th.

Sure, anything else?

No, that's all, thank you, you've been very helpful.

Thank you and goodbye.

Unit 2: Discussing vacation plans

Have You made any vacation plans?

Yes, I'm going to China.

That's interesting, for how long?

15 days.

Oh, that sounds great.

Yes, can't wait.

When are you leaving?

Around mid May.

Are You going to travel with anyone?

yes, I'm going with my girl friend.

What are you going to do in China?

We will visit Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou, Beijing is the

capital city, and it's famous for many scenic spots and

historical sites,and Shanghai is a metropolitan city which I'm

very interested in looking around, Hangzhou has very

beautiful scenes, we will go sightseeing and shopping.

That sounds like a lot of funs.

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