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移动英语对话对话1级第 15 部分

Part 15. Taking the bus and taxi .

1. bus, bus stop , bus station, fare, couch class

Excuse me. Is this harvard the bus?

2. Taxi, car, for hire, keep the change.

3. subway, metro, north, south, east ,west,take change, line, stop

Unit one: On a bus.

P1: Doe this bus go to the Times Square?

P2: Two and a half pleas.

P1: Thai is two dollars fivty cent.

P2: Here you are.

P1: Thank you.

P2: How far it is?

P1: It's about five stop.

P2: Could you tell us when we get there please?.

P1: Yes, of course. here is your ticket and change.

P2: Thank you.

Unit two: In a taxi.

P1: Where to?

P2: The Johnsons Hotel please.

P1: Were is that?

P2: Near the west railroad station.

P1: Do you know the name of the street?

P2: No, I don't know.

P1: Do you know the way to the hotel from the west railroad station?

P2: Yes , I think so.

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