英美人天天都在说的4000句:Step on sb.'s Toes 得罪某人,触犯某人,侵犯某人的领地或职权
L:Circulation is down by a third.
Color reproduction is horrible.
The models look like they're $3 whores.
The writing is by some moronic idiot.
M:Mr. Flynt...
I don't want to step on your toes, but things have changed since you were actively running the company.
I mean, I looked back at the stuff you did in the 70's and it was sort of racy and crazy.
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英美人天天都在说的4000句:Step on sb.'s Toes 得罪某人,触犯某人,侵犯某人的领地或职权:等您坐沙发呢!