首页 > 英美人天天都在说的4000句—跟着影视学最真实的口语 > 英美人天天都在说的4000句:Drown One's Sorrows / Troubles 借酒消愁

英美人天天都在说的4000句:Drown One's Sorrows / Troubles 借酒消愁

F:You're a hard man to track down.
You're not at work. You're not at home.
This is where all you bored executive types go to drown your sorrows?
C:I've been meaning to call you.
F:I'm sure. You know, ever since he was a kid, Winston never could seem to catch a break.
You know who he always reminded me of?
Bobby Bonds.

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英美人天天都在说的4000句:Drown One's Sorrows / Troubles 借酒消愁:等您坐沙发呢!

