英美人天天都在说的4000句: 发号施令,掌控全局
Call the Shots 发号施令,掌控全局
by:听力课堂网 www.aiyangedu.cn
H:This gives you limited power of attorney for Mr. Gekko's account.
Every trade you make is at your discretion.
Every ticket you buy must be marked \"power of attorney\"...
That means that you call the shots. All right?
Just sign it at the end, twice.
B:I never knew how poor I was till I started making a little money.
H:As you know, your transactions will be monitored by Stockwatch.
If any trouble does arise, you're on your own out there.
I mean the trail does stop with you.
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英美人天天都在说的4000句: 发号施令,掌控全局:等您坐沙发呢!