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英美人天天都在说的4000句: 出身富贵,生于富贵人家

Born with a Silver Spoon in One's Mouth 出身富贵,生于富贵人家

by:听力课堂网 www.aiyangedu.cn
B:I've already spoken to the mayor, and we see eye to eye.
M:Mayors come and go. Blue bloods tire easy.
You think you can go 15 rounds with Muhammad Shreck?
B:Well, I guess we'll find out. Of course, I don't have a crime boss like Cobblepot in my corner, so...
M:\"Crime boss\"? Shows what you know, mister, to the manor born with a silver spoon.
Oswald is Gotham's new golden boy.

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英美人天天都在说的4000句: 出身富贵,生于富贵人家:等您坐沙发呢!

