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英语经典听力对话Dialogue 63 At Lunch

At Lunch

1--How's the new job, Alison?
2--Well, I'm terribly busy. Every day I meet lots of
   people. But I do lots of typing and filing, too.
1--Don't you like being a receptionist?
2--Oh, I enjoy meeting people. And I like answering
   the phone. But I hate typing. And I can't stand
1--You can go to college, you know. Why don't you 
   study for a year?
2--What do you mean?
1--I mean, you can do a course in business studies.
   After a year, you get a certificate. Then you can
   apply for lots of different jobs.
2--That's a good idea. I like studying.
1--Why don't you get a prospectus.

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