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《英语口语生存手册》生活英语提高版Unit 06

Obligation Permission


Jack can we talk about my duties?

Sure, what do you want to know?

Well everything really.

Ok, But I'm new at this. Can you help me?

Yes Ok, What do I have to do in the morning?

Well Paula has to get up at about half past seven. I have to leave at eight o'clock. Can you give Paula her breakfast?

Yes of course. What does she have for breakfast.

The usually things: cereal,toast,eggs. But he mustn't eat any nuts.

Is she allergic to nuts

Yes, she is.

Do I have to drive her to school?

No, you don't have drive her to school, because her school is very near here. She can walk to school.

What about her lunch?

Does she come home for lunch?

No she has lunch at school.

What time does she get home from school?

About four o'clock. Can you be here then?

Yes of course.

What about evenings ? Can you stay in two evenings a week?

Yes that's fine.

Are Mondays and Wedensdays OK?

NO I'm sorry.But I have to go to a Class on Wednesdday. I can stay in Mondays and Thursdays.


I think that's Paula now.


Hi, honey . We're the living room.


Rules of the house

What about house rules?

What do you mean?

Well I need to know what I can doand what I can't to do.

I don't understand.

Well um, where can I sit in the evenings?

Do I have to stay in my room?

No, of course you don't have to stay in your room.

Can I sit here?

Yes you must think of this house as your home.

Thank you .



You're a teacher.


Can you do my homework for me?

Well, I...

No, Jenny, you mustn't .Paula . it's your homework. You must do it .


But I can help you sometimes . OK?


What aobut the housework?

Can we divide the housework between us?


I can cookquite well.And I can do the cleaning . Can you do the laundry and ironing for you and paula?

Sure I can do yours too.

NO that's too much to ask.

NO , it's no problem, really.

Well, thank you very much

What can I do ?

You can tidy your room.

You can water the plants..

What about the goldfish?

Yes, you must feed the goldfish every day.

Is that everything?

Yes, I think so. Jenny?

Yes for now.

That's good . because I'm hungry. Who's the cook. Daddy?


At a service station.

Good morning,

Good moring Give me 20 litress of petro. please

Sure. What else can I do for you ?

Please wash the windscreen and check the oil


The oil level is fine. Do you want me to check the tyre pressure?


No thank you .but I would like you to check the brakes.


The brakes are OK..

Good, how much do I owe you?

That will be twenty pounds.

Here you are.

And here's your change. Thank you .


Yes please.

There's a problem with your left rear tyre. You've got a small puncture and you need a new tyre

How much will it cost?

Thirty pounds.

All right. Please change the tyre.

How much do I owe you ?

Fifty pounds. pleas.

At a garage.

I've had a accident. Can you repair my car?


I'm sorry but I can't do it right now.

Can you come back in an hour or so?

OK I'll come back at four o'clock.


I think so. Let me have a look at the car.

It looks pretty bad.

How long will it take to repair it?

It might take a few days. The gear box need s to be replaced.

Oh dear. I had wanted to continue my journey tomorrow . Will that be possible?


Maybe. I'll do my best

How much will the repair cost?

It's going to be expensive. About 300 pounds.

Can I pay by cheque?


Not in this car. Maybe you should hire another car.

I think I will


yes of course.

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《英语口语生存手册》生活英语提高版Unit 06:等您坐沙发呢!

