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英语口语王想说就说(昂秀)cd1 - Track 35

Section 9 making suggestion

Uh,what should we do this weekend?

How about a movie?We haven't done that for a while.

A movie?sure,do you know what is on right now?

No,why don't you check up the newspaper?

OK,maybe you should invite your sister along ,too.

1.How about a movie?

How about some ice cream?

How about giving me a hand?

Why don't you take a rest?

Why not give up the try?

I suggest that you have a word with him.


3.A movie?sure.

That is a good idea.

That sounds good.

4.Why don't you check up the newspaper?

Why not check up the newspaper?

Maybe you should check up the newspaper.

Could you check up the newspaper?

You'd better make sure the movie is on.

You'd better see what's on .

5.Why don't you check up the nwespaper?

Why don't you check up the newspaper?

Why don't you have a look at the newspaper?

Why don't you see waht's on the newspaper?

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