首页 > 英语口语王想说就说(昂秀) > 英语口语王想说就说(昂秀)cd1 - Track 31

英语口语王想说就说(昂秀)cd1 - Track 31

Section seven offering help

Here,Let me get the door for you.


Do you need a hand with that?

Actually,i could you some help.Thank you so much.

Don't worry about it.

1.Here,Let me get the door for you.

Please allow me to open the door for you.

Allow me.

2.Here,Let me get the door for you.

We'll get there five o'clock.

I'm gettting old.

Where did you get them?

Who's turn to get the drinks?

Can I get you something to drink?

I don't get it.

Get it out away.

I got the phone call from Helen last night.

3.Do you need a hand with that?

Would you like some help with that?

Can I help you with that?

Are you all right with that?

4.Actually I could you some help.

I need some help.

I could do with some help.

5. Don't worry about it.

You're welcome.

No problem at all.

Don't mention it.


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英语口语王想说就说(昂秀)cd1 - Track 31:等您坐沙发呢!

